
The Leiden Ranking Open Edition aims to be fully transparent. We do not only make the results of the ranking openly available, but also the underlying data. The source code of the software used to create the ranking is openly available as well.

Download results of the CWTS Leiden Ranking 2023


The results of the Leiden Ranking Open Edition 2023 are available in a spreadsheet file. For each combination of a university, a main field, and a time period, the file provides the values of all indicators. The results are made available under a CC0 public domain dedication.

Download results.


The data underlying the Leiden Ranking Open Edition 2023 is available in a set of text files. These files contain (1) data about the universities included in the ranking and the links between these universities and their affiliated organizations, (2) data about the publications included in the ranking and the links between these publications and universities and main fields, (3) indicators at the level of publications, and (4) indicators at the level of universities and main fields. The data is made available under a CC0 public domain dedication.

Download data.

Google BigQuery

The data underlying the Leiden Ranking Open Edition 2023 is also available through Google BigQuery.

Open data in Google BigQuery.

Source code

The source code of the software used to create the Leiden Ranking Open Edition 2023 is available in GitHub under an MIT license.

Go to source code repository in GitHub.